Infinite Scroll
A web design technique that prevents the browser scroll bar from scrolling to the bottom of the page, causing the page to grow with additional content instead
… like on a Facebook News Feed! Ha. Seriously, you know… Where you scroll down to the bottom of a page of whatever (e.g. status posts, articles, or products) and the next are already starting to load.
Smashing Magazine has a great article on options and alternative configurations, depending on the UX you are going for (and how queasy you think your users might get!) If you can hack a little code, we have already done some work that you can fork, otherwise we are available for hire.
So frustrating when infinite scroll results don’t restore when returning via back button Preserving browsing expectations is part of our job
— Scott Jehl (@scottjehl) May 11, 2015
Never one to ignore my hero and man-crush Scott Jehl, our plugin does that!